Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Fox Vs. CNN

At first glance, the sites aren't too different. CNN has a bolder layout while FOX seems much more neutral. I may be bringing the stereotypes I've learned about FOX and CNN into this, but that can't be helped. The two top stories featured on the home page for CNN are about flooding and the militia preparing to kill. The top story on the FOX homepage is also about the flooding. So far, no real differences are seen. They both have standard pictures, videos, and stories. Perhaps the content of the stories is more different.One thing I noticed in the stories about the flooding in Rhode Island was in a sentence that was meant to say exactly the same thing. CNN said, "Obama extended a state of emergency on Monday for the entire state, freeing up federal dollars to help with relief efforts." Whereas FOX News said,"President Barack Obama issued an emergency declaration for Rhode Island, ordering federal aid for disaster relief and authorizing the Federal Emergency Management Agency to coordinate relief efforts" With just the slight difference in words, they tell the same story, but convey a different meaning. CNN made it sound like Obama was being a hero freeing money to help, whereas FOX made it sound like he was demanding money that wasn't rightfully his to demand. Overall, they are both interesting sites to look at.